Vanuit haar bedrijf Speel je wijs werkt Irma mee in drie internationale samenwerkingen gefinancierd met Erasmus+ beurzen van de Europese Unie:
SPACE (2016-2019), CASE (2017-2020) en AMiE (2020-2024). Alle drie de projecten gaan over interdisciplinair werken. Op bijbehorende websites zijn gratis lesideeën en apps te vinden. Op dit moment is Irma vooral gericht op Kunst en Mindfulness in het onderwijs. Dit filmpje werd in Portugal als start van het project AMiE: Arts and Mindfulness in Education gemaakt:
Hieronder is een korte beschrijving van de projecten in het Engels te vinden met bijbehorende links.
AMiE (Arts and Mindfulness in Education)
In rapidly evolving, hyper-connected and performance-oriented societies, the mental health of citizens increasingly requires priority attention and care. Indeed, research shows that about 20% of European adults suffer from mental health problems, a percentage that rises to about 50% if depression and anxiety are also taken into account. Research confirms that in the field of mental health care, in addition to curative measures aimed at adults, there is an increasing need for preventive measures aimed at children (Van der Gucht et al., 2016).
The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership ‘AMiE’ helps to meet this need by providing European teachers with inspirational and supportive tools regarding the introduction of mindfulness in pre-primary and primary education (age group 3 to 12). AMiE is unique in that it uses the power of art and creative processes as a starting point for the introduction of mindfulness in a school context.
- Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool, België
- Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Noorwegen
- Curso de Música Silva Monteiro, Portugal
- Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ierland
- Speel je wijs, Nederland
SPACE (Strategic Partnership Agents of Change in Education)

SPACE aims to establish an international student-run entrepreneurial organization: a network of in-training teachers trained in the delivery of innovative & interdisciplinary education models in which bridges are built between the worlds of Arts education and STEM education.
→ The widening from STEM tot STEAM emphasises the role of creativity and innovation in teaching and learning. STEAM also underlines the need to explore methods for making classrooms more energetic and engaging places of learning and experiencing.
- Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool, België
- Hogskolen Stord Haugesund, Noorwegen
- Curso de Música Silva Monteiro, Portugal
- Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ierland
- RESEO – European Network for Opera and Dance Education, België
- Speel je wijs, Nederland
CASE (Creativity, Arts and Science in primary Education)
CASE is an EU Erasmus+ project in the focus area of school, creativity and innovation. The project name is ‘Creativity, Art and Science in Primary Education (CASE)’. This project will be realized within the European Commission’s ‘Strategic Partnership’ program, and will implement trainings, conferences and school-based activities in the field of art & science.Â
- Western Norway University of Applied Science, Noorwegen
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Griekenland
- Dublin City University, Ierland
- Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Griekenland
- Science View, Griekenland
- Klaipeda University, Litouwen
- Speel je Wijs, Nederland
Toolkit puppetry and STEAM
For CASE one of Irma’s tasks is designing a toolkit for puppetry and STEAM education. In this toolkit, inquiry based science education will be combined with puppetry. In every activity, a puppetry story will be played by the teacher. In this story the puppets have a problem or a question. This will arouse children’s curiosity, which instantly will stimulate them to discover. Children will help the puppets to find a solution or answer. All activities will be challenging tasks in the field of STEAM education and every process can have many different results. Children will research like scientists and design like artists. You can find the free download here.
De Vlaamse krant Het Nieuwsblad schreef een artikel over SPACE.Â